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Nice One Kidger

Wed 6th May - Malahide
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Da Mexican said...

...and so, a new move was born. THE KIDGE!!!

Viva Mejico!!!! Yeeeehhhaaaa!!!

Unknown said...

thats gas looking!


Andy Radley IR212 said...

Yea. Said he was trying a Toucan. You pop and kick the board away and to the side. If all is going well the board will do a 180 and you can land going fin first and then switch the sail. He was close on this attempt but wasn't over the board enough. He almost finished like an aerial gybe with a clew first waterstart. He was on form that day. He was also malahide backloops! I tried to get a photo of an attempt.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, but don't you know most of Kidge's successful moves are in his head!! You will never get one on camera ;)
If he stopped wearing his blue pyjamas while sailing he might have better luck.

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