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Jump Test Shot

Here is my latest test shot. This was taken with one camera angle. Need a steady cam! Don't think my €149 camcorder is up to this fancy stuff. I would of liked to have me moving in very slow motion in front of the sun and the background not so shaky. Maybe next time! I think this might work well on a jumping move, back loop etc.


Anonymous said...

Dear Andy,

for as long as I can remember I've wanted to learn the art of head dipping. However after viewing your excellent blog for some time now I have changed my mind, instead I've been inspired to become a fulltime loony-tune-head-banger.

Keep up the good work,


Andy Radley IR212 said...

Thanks Bill,
It does look very silly. Hopefully after some fine tuning and applied to a windsurf move it will become cool. Either way it was good fun to do!

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