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How do you train?

Now there is a question. Taty Frans from Bonaire says, "Just do it" on one of my dvds. He goes on to say imagine a move over and over in you head and then "just do it". Taty doesn’t seem to have a problem executing all sorts of freestyle manoeuvres.

Most of us windsurfers in the real world have a different subconscious message that plays when we are blasting at full tilt. "Abort, abort! don’t do it, not the right time" etc. Like space exploration, the launch is the most important time of the mission. So next time you want to learn something prepare beforehand by going through the move on land and watching the move over and over until you can imagine it clearly.

On the day, get you mind on Taty's wavelength. Turn off worry. Turn off panic. Turn on relax, smile and just do it! And remember the secret to success is to double your rate of failure so don’t be afraid to dip your head more often.

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